

Been so busy lately...
Two weekends away from Lafayette and one more crazy weekend to come! On the 26th, we head down to New Orleans to party a bit -- then off to Dallas with Jon and [insert name here] to rock with Coldplay (Brad's Valentine's gift to me). School is keeping me quite crazy... keeping that "four-oh" and leaving time to be the Pres. of Le Club Francofous (UL Lafayette's French Club). Also dipping my sticky fingers into possible Student Government Senatorial positions...

This semester has been VERY different from the last -- I feel a bit more accomplished. Seems that if we party now, it's in N.O. or distant places with new crowds and such. I DO miss the friends I rarely see outside of the dorm, but I feel like the ones dearest to me understand the circumstances. Maturity, I guess. Don't worry though -- I'm still goofy as all hell.

Two weekends ago (to explain the pictures) B + moi graced the Krewe of Janus Mardi Gras Ball @ the Atrium. It was good fun with great company and food/drinks. The band was a little strange, though we ended up in the background of the pictures on the website -- turns out, the member that hit on me in the bathroom was an ex-Mouseketeer!
I hope that isn't my 30 seconds.
Anyways... I haven't vanished from the face of the planet. I'll try to keep in touch if with nothing more than a few pics here + there.

lj [1:58 PM]

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